These are absolutely the funniest things ever! Have you ever abused the “snooze” button? Well, you will no more with Clocky or Tocky. These adorable robots developed by MIT will allow you to snooze only once. After that, it will jump down from your bedside table and run around the room beeping. Next, it will find a hiding spot and keep on beeping until you actually get up and close it.

I stumbled across it several times, it seems that every time some crazy gadget goes in to the market (or even before), the news goes crazy over it. Well of course not the formal ones like CNN, but rather the unofficial news/rumor sites.

The link is here.

This is only for the ones who love gadgets, I mean, who would risk getting fired just to sleep in? At least, not me.

Here’s another interesting gadget, the Disney AppMATes.

It combines a physical toy with the magic of the iPad. For $20, you can buy 2 Cars 2 Hot Wheels size vehicles which are made to be able to  run on the iPad. With a free app, children can actually use a physical toy to interact with the digital world. The cars can talk to other characters, they can race and run on race courses, plus fly, jump, etc. With add ons such as wings, it is another creative idea coined by Disney.

The only problem I can foresee is toddlers thinking any car can be paired with the iPad and scratching the screen, or landing a jump too hard.

What a difference between the carpets with roads we had back in the times of the dinos!

The video is below.

Update: To see my review, please go here

Post a comment! Do you like them? Why or why not? Really, someone had to make these sooner or later.

Oh ya, and by the way, “New and Noteworthy” was totally not from Apple. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, hope you don’t mind the sarcasm.