Most companies try to create products that will make life easier for us, trying to make us lazier. But, I stumbled across a company, Fred and Friends (link), who makes everyday products fun. That’s right, not easier, but more enjoyable, more fun. For example, there is the plate with the face, so you can decorate it with food. Then there’s the giant earphones used as desktop speakers. There’s bowls that looks like the split second of milk spilling out, etc. I think that this is a great marketing technique because it is harder to adapt to something new that’s supposed to be easier, anyways, it’s always good to add a little excitement in life.


I loved the sawed off memory stick, but I had a couple at home. So, I chipped open one that I got a few years back and extracted the chip. I went to the dollar store and bought the cheapest USB wire I can find. Then, I changed the chip around and got an identical memory stick to the one above, except in black (I couldn’t find classic white :(). Here’s a picture of my finished stick: