Lion’s Head

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File:ShiZiTou ShiWu.jpg

Source: Wikipedia

Today I decided to share another one of my personal preferences. This one is about food. It wasn’t a long time ago when I tried the soup “Lion’s Head Soup”. It is basically the head of a lion cut up, just kidding 🙂 , it actually has nothing to do with lions, or heads. I have no clue how it got its name. Anyways, it is one huge meatball (for real this time) with cabbage in soup. The meatball has bits of potato in it (another one of my favourite food), and is uniquely seasoned. Anyways, I fell in love with it, and thought I’d share the recipe.


Preparation: 20 minutes

Cook: 1 hour

Serves: 4



1 pound of ground pork

1 small potato

A little bit of green onion and ginger (to taste)

A tablespoon of cooking wine

Salt to taste

4 big bai chai (Chinese white cabbage) leaves

A cup of chicken soup



Boil potatoes until thoroughly soft, then mash as fine as possible. Leave the potatoes aside. Then grind the green onion and ginger, after that, mix with ground pork, cooking wine, and salt.

Now take the potatoes and mix with the ground pork mixture. Divide this into four pieces. Shape the four pieces into meatballs and wrap with bai chai.

Pour the chicken soup into a pot and place the four meatballs. Add just enough water to cover the meatballs. Cover the pot and let the soup boil on high. When the soup is boiled, turn down to low and let it simmer for an hour.

Serve in 4 bowls.

Enjoy 🙂


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I logged onto my blog today staring at my tagline. My Life, My Story, and thought: Why don’t I write something about myself. And after much consideration, here is my poem about my favourite colour: GREEN



As soft as grass, and as crunchy as the Granny Smith

Swaying in the breeze on Hawaii’s shore

Bright when young, and dark when old, on the leaves of the Bracken Fern


Found at Christmas amidst the snow

Hanging on houses street on street

Up high and down low lighting the night

Like a spirit glowing bright


On the bottle beside the BBQ

Fuelling hot summer nights

Telling people to go, and drive away

Controlling traffic on busy streets


Kermit the Frog may also be green

But most of all its to signify

That we care

We care about the environment

We care about the air we breathe

We care about the water we drink

We care about the food we eat

We care about OUR future


Staying on the topic of caring for the future, I saw a quote on the back of a SUV that I later found out was from Hendrix:

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” – J. Hendrix

The world will not only see peace, but everything else we try to stop and create will be within reach. There won’t be as much gangs, crime, wars, etc. There will be friendships between former enemies, and the world will have more tolerance, to just name a few benefits.