This is the first official blog post, so bear with me if it isn’t perfect.

Hello! Welcome to my blog. To find out more information about my blog, please go to the “About” tab. This site works by having a books section where I put great books, a quote section where I put my quotes, and “Home”, my blogs. I love reading books, so I decided to share some with you. Another thing I like to do is collect quotes, I will keep them on the quotes page (obviously). If you have a really good one, you can post it in the comments section of my quotes page. I hope you find this blog exciting, and full of fun. Welcome to my journey through life. All posts and pages will be permalinked and are here to stay.

To start of my blogging journey, here are 3 of my favourite art pieces to honour Steve Jobs after he past away. I am soooooooo sad. I honestly am a huge Apple fan, so you can say that he totally changed my life. Jobs or iGenius comes once in a lifetime, you don’t see a genius who was a millionaire at age 25, got fired from the company he founded and still be the most successful person ever. All photos are courtesy of DeviantART and their respective artists. Also, I am officially starting this blog.