Here’s something interesting, the Canadian Supreme Court recently ruled on an important topic, now that we are in the 21st century; hyperlinking. Because I am a blogger and I hyperlink, I decided to read the ruling and post it for the world to see. Here is what Daniel Henry of CBC told us:

“When you create a hyperlink to a web page that has defamatory content, are you liable for it?

The Supreme Court of Canada has now given us the answer, and like most things in law the answer is both simple and potentially complicated.

According to Justice Rosalie Abella, who wrote for the majority, “a hyperlink, by itself, should never be seen as ‘publication’ of the content to which it refers.”

In other words, creating it on your web page does not, by itself, make you liable for what might be displayed on another website when someone clicks through.” 

The full analysis is here.

This is actually great for me because I hyperlink a lot (like the “here” above). I know that I am not liable for what the link says, I am only liable for what I say on my own blog. I totally agree with what the judge ruled because the content on the link might actually change.

I love this!!!