Having the opportunity to find a new home that suites the whole family may seem like a great idea at first, but then it turns in to a nightmare. I know this only because I was forced to move when my morning drive turned in to one hour (or more if traffic is bad). After only 3 days, I’m already feeling some “house-finding-symptoms”. However, in these 3 days, I have only begun to eliminate choices, instead of finding houses to put into consideration. For that matter, I’ve seen dozens upon dozens of houses, yet only one house have been half-considered. You would think that because our market is so diverse, it would be easy to find “the perfect house”, but it isn’t.

Today there’s modern luxury homes:

my love...

These are too expensive for my budget, but exist in my dreams.

Older houses:

It's... Good.

These are pretty good, except for the fact that it is hard to find one that please the whole family.

And then cheap, but tiny houses:


My family is pretty big, so these won’t work either.

As you can see, I do consider myself a rather contemporary man, even though my budget won’t allow it. I like a modern house with panels of wood and glass. My mom insists on a more-than-decent kitchen, and my dad insists on a more-than-big lot (land). Finding an awesome house with a huge lot is remarkably hard to find in the area I want to buy a house in. So, this is how the first few days of my adventure went:

Wake up

Go on to the web and find decent properties. This usually ends up with expectations lowered, search criteria expanded, search area widened, and general grumpiness. However, a couple of houses are found.

Now our Realtor (apparently a registered trademark) is contacted and he makes appointments. Most of the houses are open to the public from 2-4pm on weekends, so this part is pretty simple.

This is the time to cram a dozen or so houses in to a 2 hour time period. Usually we only get through 5, but that dosen’t stop us from trying to cram 12.

Finally, one half-decent house in need of some renovation is found, but this is not the hard part.

The hard part is debating with mom and dad. The “price-house-lot-appliance-room-…” ratio is always a tad bit off. The price might be too expensive for the property, or the exterior might be not as good as the interior, etc.

This is how most of my weekend was spent. But don’t worry, I’ll find that perfect house… One day.