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Studies shown  that when experts are talking, our brains and our common sense runs away. We trust experts, we think that they are right all of the time. I personally don’t trust experts because all humans make mistakes. Doctors, financial advisors, the police have all gotten it wrong before. We have to think if what the experts are saying makes sense or not, using our common sense is a perfect tool. But I also like to google what the experts are saying because if they are suggesting it, and it is correct, probably lots of other people know it too. Trust shouldn’t be based on a diploma or certificate, it should be built over time. It’s almost funny to think that we completely trust a stranger just because of a diploma or certificate.

The Human Brain

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If you haven’t skipped down here, and watched the video first, you might be wondering one, what is the point of the excersize, and two, why the video is here in the first place.

Well, let me tell you a story first. A year ago, I was checking the news, my mail and several other things for rumours on if the MacBook Pro was updating, because I needed a new laptop. So it was good for that while, I had something to do, I had something to think about besides work. But then after that, it was so plain. Week after week, month after month (of course there was Christmas, my favourite time of the year, but still), there was nothing interesting, nothing new.

My message is that we want to do something (like get a new laptop), but then when we achieve it, we realize that it was way better when we were still looking forward to it. The point is to try to achieve it, not achieve it in the first place.

So yes, this entry is to explain why I started blogging.

By the way, the iPod turned 10 today! Happy Birthday!