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The Power of the Internet

The Power of the Internet

I was just recently looking at my stats, and it seems that I have been visited by over 70 countries. Sure, many of my visitors might not have enjoyed my posts, or spent a lot of time here, but the fact remains that I more or less have reached countries all over the globe. This is what really inspired me to write this post. We each hold in our hands the power to immediately broadcast to the entire world. This is a first ever in history. This also means that for the first time ever, our parents have less experience in a field than their children. Think about it, in every specie on Earth, the parents would’ve experienced everything their children is experiencing… expect for the human race in the 21st century. This relatively new ability that we have gained is really miraculous. It’s a miracle. You are reading something that is immaterial. You can’t hold this in your hands, this is made of almost nothing. You can read this from anywhere on the globe, or even in space aboard the ISS. This blog is a miracle.

Speaking of miracles, I am a miracle. You are a miracle. So many things needed to go right in the right order for us to physically exist. In fact, this world is a huge miracle, The very fact that we are able to exist, to have the necessities to live, to build a civilization, to have this piece of technology that you are using to read this, is a miracle. A lot have changed in the past year for me personally, but I think the most important thing I learned is to live. To live this miracle, no matter how things are, no matter what is wrong, or what is right.

<Picture of a hand holding the word


So get out there, and do what you have to do, and live. Enjoy as much of this miracle as you can. Make it count. Make this gift count. And help other people live too. Anything, from small to big. I can say from experience, that a gesture, no matter how small, counts. Live, and help those around you live. I think that is the most important thing… ever.

The First Camping Trip


I can not rant on about how terrible our first camping trip was because it wasn’t. Actually, it was on the contrary. It was pretty amazing. The weather held up, or should I say started cooking us alive. Other than that, the fire burned well, and the food tasted pretty good. We are definitely going to go again, and maybe stay a little longer. We were quite lucky to not have forgotten something, or realize that we need something essential that we don’t have. I guess all the planning and searching for camping checklists payed off.

Here’s the break down:

The tent was put up on a slant, so because of the forces of gravity, we all slid down. By the time we woke up, we were all at the bottom of the tent. Luckily, we have a huge tent, so that didn’t matter.

The war with bugs was on. Luckily I didn’t get bitten, but I can”t say that for the others. Even with extra strength bug spray on our clothes, and around the campsite, the bugs started drinking hot chocolate and lemonade.

Then there was jeans in water. Future note: Always bring swimsuits along when going to the beach. Water tends to stay on jeans for quite a while. But then again, the sun dried it pretty quickly.

We did run out of firewood, trying to keep a fire going for four hours. However, we were able to buy some wood.

I also want to extend an apology on behalf of our family to a couple potatoes which we burned mercilessly in the fire.

Also, when we got bored at night there was an awkward game of charades, at one point or another, my chest started hurting from laughter. But that was quite enjoyable.

We did get lost on a trail (well, actually loop), but saw a huge Douglas Fir.

Again, the trip was a success.

I won’t bother going over the other details, but this experimental trip may lead to weeks of camping all the way along road trips. I wonder how that might turn out? Anyways, its another adventure, that went well.


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Well, summer has started with the bang of Canada Day. I’m personally staying around town, but still planning to have a good time. Besides all the same beaches and pools, what’s special this summer is believe it or not: camping with my family.

I expect this to be an adventure, one that I don’t know the outcome of, but that is exactly what an adventure should be. And as Jon Acuff has once said:

I decided to go camping together because our family don’t spend much time outdoors, and the few times when we do, are spent in the city. There is also the fact that my sister is jealous, because I go camping a lot. However, the most important reason is that is FUN. Think about it this way. You and I both have only a certain amount of time on Earth. So then, why not make this time fun? My family is split up over the globe a lot of times, so I want to put the time we have together to good use. I hope my family won’t argue too much about this idea. 🙂

We have everything we need, so all we need to do is get out there.

Stay tuned for the happenings of our first family camping trip.

But for now,

Good bye spring, hello summer!