As with tradition, once again, our street comes alive during the 4th annual Block Party!

In Preparation…

As with every other year, there were live music, plenty of food, singing, dancing, fireworks, talking, and… fun! It was pretty awesome. All the equipment in the photographs above belongs to our neighbour two houses down. He is a professional musician. For the last years he has been performing and hosting the party. The party probably wouldn’t have been this successful if it wasn’t for the food. In fact, I wasn’t able to snap a photo before the food was all gone. But I can tell you that as with any potluck, there was a huge variety of food, in every colour. My favourite was the tortilla chip and dip, and the meringue pie. The pie was good, but the craziness made everything better. There is a lot of toddlers on our street, so that’s why there was the improvised stage (see above), and mini piano. This was the same as every other year, and  so was the fireworks, although quite unfortunately, one had a dead fuse. The others were small, but spectacular. The fun was definitely felt throughout the afternoon/night.

Speaking of fun, nothing really unfortunate happend this year, even though it was on Friday the 13th (oooohhhh). The purple spray paint wasn’t even used! You see, another tradition is spraying purple paint on the street wherever someone got hurt. Last year there was a biking accident… :-(…

Ok, fine maybe there was a small problem. It could be avoided though, if maybe someone could remind the city that delivering the barricades an hour late isn’t appreciated as much as if it was delivered a little earlier.

Behind the city barricades, we made improvised ones

Anyways, It is always a pleasant surprised to see this neighbourhood is so friendly to each other, young and old. I wish we didn’t have to move houses, but adapting to change is what separates humans from robots. If humans aren’t flexible, robots and humans wouldn’t have any distinction. Well, this is a great way to end the 7 years I have lived here. This might be the last block party I will ever have, but even if I do go to another, I believe none in the world will beat this.