Finding happiness...

Everything we do in life are all done to achieve the ultimate goal: Happiness. The most depressed gets one life, the happiest gets one life as well. However, a happy life is full of good memories and no regret. On the other hand, a sad life is full of regrets and sorrow. Happiness can be hard to achieve, with so much stress and pressure in our modern lives. Mae West once said “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Over the years, I have managed to find ways to be happy. Here are my top 5:

1. Forget About Yesterday

Yesterday happened. Without a time machine it is impossible to go back in time and change what happened. Instead of dwelling on the past and events that have happened, start fresh. Open a new chapter and start again. Do not let yesterday get in the way of today. To be able start, you must stop. So stop worrying about the past, and you will be happier.

2. Be Optimistic

Humans have all evolved to be pessimists, and think about the worst case scenario because it has the most survival value. Imagine this: A monkey running around in the forest. When it sees a tiger, it can be optimistic and hope to become friends, or be pessimistic and run for his life. Running away from the tiger have proved to be the most successful, thus their children will run from the tiger. After many generations, most optimists have been removed from the gene pool as they are simply not able to survive. So today, humans are mostly pessimistic. But the difference today, most situations aren’t about life and death. For example, after a job application, humans can worry and think “I won’t get the job”, or think “I will get the job”. Obviously, thinking “I will get the job” will make humans, us, happier.

3. Physical Exercise

Your body and mind are connected, so believe it or not, physical exercise can make you happy. Chemicals in your brain are released to reduce stress and depression; and increase energy and happiness. Without getting too technical, chemicals released include dopamine, and endorphin.

4.  Be With Friends and Family

Humans are social animals, thus being with the people we love will naturally make us happier. Friends and family can comfort, and inspire. Directly through their smiles and jokes, and indirectly with their presence; they make us happy and well, happy. It works perfectly just like math: (family+friends)+(you)=happiness.

5. Organize

Organization is truly key. Clutter can cause stress. It has been proven that the sanctuary homes should be isn’t possible with clutter. The next time you are stressed out in your room, organize it and see how your environment can really affect your mood. A slight side note, but not only will decluttering reduce stress, it will make finding things so much easier. Not only physically organizing, but planning and being prepared helps too. Stress from “what do I do”? And “Oh no, I forgot to do that!” will be gone. Reduced stress is (obviously) great to improve overall happiness.

Hopefully these tips will help you in becoming happier ( 🙂 ) and living a better life.