The internet is so powerful and it is capable of so many things. It is amazing what it can do.

The actual video:

This is just one of the many samples of the Internet.

The most important thing about the internet is that now we can communicate even easier than ever. We can know what happened seconds after it occurred. If a plane crashed, seconds after, reporters and journalist would do live blogs and reports updated minutely, allowing us to know what happened no matter where we are.

Communicating through the internet can also mean life, when death was supposed to happen. If meteorologists predict an earthquake is going to occur, the public can be warned and cautioned. The Internet really saved us.

It’s also easier to get famous, or be heard. With one click of a button, you can tell the world anything.

But with any privilege is responsibility. This is why it is so sad that the Internet is abused everyday. Every good has a bad, every bad has a good. There are people who put or take stuff they shouldn’t.

I believe that the world has gone too long trying to make the people better. Our thought has been “if the people are better, the world will be better”, but from experience, it just can’t be done. Laws too, they were meant to be broken, if they weren’t, we wouldn’t have created fines and punishments for when we do break the law.