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Just something I came to realize.

Why do we suddenly associate computers and operating systems with their inventors and CEOs, while we have no idea who’s the CEO of the car we drive? Or the coffee we drink? Or the pens we write with (not that we use them very often…)?

My opinion is that technology advances really fast, you have to watch the CEO to see what’s going to happen next. You can’t just use it and care nothing about it. Most things in life is just there. There is no point in caring about who is behind all this because it is not going to change, it is not going to get better, it is not going to have similar product that will change your life (hint hint, nudge nudge). Also, it is new and people like new things that are cool for some reason.

However, the newspaper disagrees, it says it is because we are all cyborgs, we adapted to technology so much that we can not live without it, our most private moments are on it, and our most public ones. It is a communication tool, a way to pass time by talking and surfing about weird stuff (like me). But it also said that the Mac was special, it has a more human touch, it really was attractive.

We don’t think about it, yet it is true.

So what do you think?

New and Noteworthy Gadgets

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These are absolutely the funniest things ever! Have you ever abused the “snooze” button? Well, you will no more with Clocky or Tocky. These adorable robots developed by MIT will allow you to snooze only once. After that, it will jump down from your bedside table and run around the room beeping. Next, it will find a hiding spot and keep on beeping until you actually get up and close it.

I stumbled across it several times, it seems that every time some crazy gadget goes in to the market (or even before), the news goes crazy over it. Well of course not the formal ones like CNN, but rather the unofficial news/rumor sites.

The link is here.

This is only for the ones who love gadgets, I mean, who would risk getting fired just to sleep in? At least, not me.

Here’s another interesting gadget, the Disney AppMATes.

It combines a physical toy with the magic of the iPad. For $20, you can buy 2 Cars 2 Hot Wheels size vehicles which are made to be able to  run on the iPad. With a free app, children can actually use a physical toy to interact with the digital world. The cars can talk to other characters, they can race and run on race courses, plus fly, jump, etc. With add ons such as wings, it is another creative idea coined by Disney.

The only problem I can foresee is toddlers thinking any car can be paired with the iPad and scratching the screen, or landing a jump too hard.

What a difference between the carpets with roads we had back in the times of the dinos!

The video is below.

Update: To see my review, please go here

Post a comment! Do you like them? Why or why not? Really, someone had to make these sooner or later.

Oh ya, and by the way, “New and Noteworthy” was totally not from Apple. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, hope you don’t mind the sarcasm.

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

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You have to watch this, it is worth every second of your time. It is (at least in my opinion) the most motivating and inspring speech ever. Period.

Day 1


This is the first official blog post, so bear with me if it isn’t perfect.

Hello! Welcome to my blog. To find out more information about my blog, please go to the “About” tab. This site works by having a books section where I put great books, a quote section where I put my quotes, and “Home”, my blogs. I love reading books, so I decided to share some with you. Another thing I like to do is collect quotes, I will keep them on the quotes page (obviously). If you have a really good one, you can post it in the comments section of my quotes page. I hope you find this blog exciting, and full of fun. Welcome to my journey through life. All posts and pages will be permalinked and are here to stay.

To start of my blogging journey, here are 3 of my favourite art pieces to honour Steve Jobs after he past away. I am soooooooo sad. I honestly am a huge Apple fan, so you can say that he totally changed my life. Jobs or iGenius comes once in a lifetime, you don’t see a genius who was a millionaire at age 25, got fired from the company he founded and still be the most successful person ever. All photos are courtesy of DeviantART and their respective artists. Also, I am officially starting this blog.

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